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Fr. Michael Ibrahim Sunday Meeting Sermon at St. Maurice Coptic Orthodox Church, Pomona CA
01 Oct 2020
Fr. Michael Ibrahim Sunday Meeting Sermon at St. Maurice Coptic Orthodox Church, Pomona CA
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The Lazarus' Hymn مديح لعازر- Ibrahim Ayad- Bekhit Fahim


Lazarus come forth,
Christ has called You,
With His life giving voice,
Saying, Lazarus come forth.
Lazarus died and was placed,
In the tomb for four days,
The Lord's voice reached him,
Saying, Lazarus come forth.
The multitude who were gathered there,
To visit his sister,
They heard the Lord saying,
Lazarus come forth.
Then Martha said to our Lord Jesus,
If You were here my brother would not have died,
But I knew that You shall call him,
Saying, Lazarus come forth.
Then our Lord said to her,
If you believe in Me,
Then I shall call him,
Saying, Lazarus come forth.
I believed that You are the Son of God,
Who are able,
To call him with Your power,
Saying, Lazarus come forth.
When He said this, He raised His eyes,
Towards His good Father,
Cried with a loud voice saying,
Lazarus come forth.
The evil soldiers who bound him,
In the bondage of the lowest Hades,
Saying, who is this, who speaks,
Saying, Lazarus come forth.
Who is this, whose voice,
Has broken the fetters of those in bondage,
And said unto him without fear,
Saying, Lazarus come forth.
Rise up so we may leave him and escape,
For this is He who gives life to the dead,
He announced with His voice and commanded him,
Saying, Lazarus come forth.
So Lazarus immediately came out,
Tied with covers,
When God called him,
Saying, Lazarus come forth.
Those who came to Mary,
Believed because of what He did,
And because of the voice they heard,
Saying, Lazarus come forth.
Let us gather and praise,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
And proclaim to Him who said,
Lazarus come forth.
Forgive us our iniquities,
And grant us salvation,
Through the prayers and intercessions,
Of our lady, saint Mary.
لعازر هلم خارجاً المسيح دعاك بصوته المحيي قائلاً لعازر هلم خارجاً.
لعازر مات ووضع في القبر أربعة أيام، صوت الرب بلغ اليه: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
الجموع الذين اجتمعوا هناك ليعزوا أخته سمعوا الرب قائلاً: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
فقالت مرثا لربنا يسوع لو كنت هنا. لم يمت أخي بل اني أعلم انك تدعو: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
فقال لها ربنا إن آمنتِ بيّ ها هوذا أدعوه: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
آمنت انك أنت هو ابن الله تستطيع أن تدعوه بقوتك: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
لما قال هذا رفع عينيه إلي فوق نحو أبيه الصالح صارخاً بصوت عظيم: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
جنود الشر الذين أوثقوه في عبودية أسفل السافلين قائلين من هو هذا المتكلم: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
من هو الذي صوته كسر قيود المربوطين وقال له بغير خوف: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
قوموا لنتركه ونهرب لأن هذا هو محيي الأموات ، أعلن صوته وأمره: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
فخرج لعازر لوقته مربوطاً بعمامة عند ما دعاه الرب قائلاً: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
فأولئك الذين أتوا إلي مريم أمنوا من اجل ما صنع ومن أجل الصوت الذي سمعوه: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
فلنجتمع ونسبح ربنا يسوع المسيح ونصرخ لمن قال: لعازر هلم خارجاً.
اغفر لنا آثامنا، وأعطنا خلاصاً ، بطلبات وشفاعات سيدتنا الملكة القديسة مريم.

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Fr. Michael Ibrahim Sunday Meeting Sermon at St. Maurice Coptic Orthodox Church, Pomona CA
01 Oct 2020
Fr. Michael Ibrahim Sunday Meeting Sermon at St. Maurice Coptic Orthodox Church, Pomona CA
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