copticcast 01 Oct 2020

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John the Baptist (English Sermon) Fr. Raphael Hanna
01 Oct 2020
John the Baptist (English Sermon) Fr. Raphael Hanna
copticcast · 4 Views

The Bread of Life (Pi-oik) in English - Orthodox Communion Hymn (Coptic Rite) v2

In English

St Mark Coptic Orthodox Parish Toronto and Rev. Dr. Fr. Pishoy Salama.

The Bread of life, which came down for us from heaven, has given life to the world.

And you too, O Mary, have born in your womb the rational Manna, which came from the Father.

You have brought Him forth without blemish; He gave us His body and His precious blood, and we live forever.

Around You stand the Cherubim, and the Seraphim, and they cannot look at You.

We behold You upon the Altar and we partake of Your body and Your precious blood.

Therefore we exalt you befittingly, with prophetic hymnology.

For they spoke of you with great honor, O holy city of the great King.

We entreat and pray that we may win mercy through your intercessions with the Lover of mankind.

Through the intercessions of the Theotokos Saint Mary, O Lord, grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

Through the intercessions of the holy archangels Michael and Gabriel, O Lord, grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

Authentic Christian Hymns and Music, Authentic Worship.

Icon from St George Coptic Orthodox Parish, Toledo. Written by Fr Theodore Jurewicz

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John the Baptist (English Sermon) Fr. Raphael Hanna
01 Oct 2020
John the Baptist (English Sermon) Fr. Raphael Hanna
copticcast · 4 Views