copticcast 10 Jan 2020

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Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
01 Oct 2020
Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
copticcast · 4 Views

H.H. Pope Tawadros II in a Prayer Meeting in st. Mary and Mina,s Coptic orthodox Church, manchester


قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني في محاضرة بكنيسة القديسة العذراء والشهيد مارمينا بمانشيستر

H.H. Pope Tawadros II in a Prayer Meeting in st. Mary and Mina,s Coptic orthodox Church, manchester

تابعونا باستمرار علي ..

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البث المباشر الرسمى لقناة مى سات المسيحية القبطية الارثوذكسية - قناة مارمرقس

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Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
01 Oct 2020
Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
copticcast · 4 Views