copticcast 10 Jan 2020

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Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
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Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
copticcast · 4 Views

Egyptian Coptic Pope Tawadros II arrives in Alexandria


1. Exterior of the Saints Church in Alexandria
2. Interior church, top shot Egyptian Coptic Pope Tawadros II entering and being greeted
3. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Pope Tawadros Il, head of the Egypt's Coptic Christian church:
"Happy New Year. I hope that you are all happy. Now we will start praying in memory of our victims."
4. Various of the ceremony to commemorate the victims of the bombing
5. Wide interior of the church during visit of Tawadros II and ceremony
Pope Tawadros ll, head of the Egyptian Coptic Church, presided over a ceremony at the Saints Church in Alexandria on Monday night, to mark the second anniversary of a suicide bombing that left 21 dead and many more injured.
The bomb went off shortly after Midnight Mass, just as worshippers were leaving the church early on 1 January 2011.
The attack set off three days of protests in Alexandria and Cairo, involving clashes with both security forces and Muslim passers-by.

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Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
01 Oct 2020
Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
copticcast · 4 Views