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Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
01 Oct 2020
Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
copticcast · 4 Views

Coptic Hymn for the Resurrection


Psali Watos for the Holy Resurrection of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ. This hymn is chanted during the Midnight Psalmody in the Holy 50 days after the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection. Chanted by Cantor Ibrahim Ayad.


Truly we believe, we the Orthodox nation, that the King of the ages, Christ is risen from the dead.

All joy and happiness, God gave unto us, for our King Emmanuel, Christ is risen from the dead.

All the race of man, follow upright paths, for the Word the Lover of man, Christ is risen from the dead.

David the King of Israel, said with the psaltery, God has joyfully risen, Christ is risen from the dead.

For the sake of the holy Resurrection, sing praise and rejoice, preach to the nations, for Christ is risen from the dead.

Seven angelic orders, praise him spiritually, for the salvation of the world, Christ is risen from the dead.

He is the Son of God, praise Him with hymns, for He has saved our race, Christ is risen from the dead.

Rejoice O race of Adam, with spiritual joy, for the creator of Adam, Christ is risen from the dead.

All the creation together, rejoices in this mystery, for the Son of the Holy, Christ is risen from the dead.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Word, we praise him saying, Christ is risen from the dead.

And He was buried in the tomb, as said by the prophets, on the third day, Christ is risen from the dead.

Let us understand, the gospel O people, which has said the Immortal, Christ is risen from the dead.

All the heavenly orders, and the rational natures, were amazed at your works, Christ is risen from the dead.

Exalted are Your works, and Your mysterious judgements, for You are the King of heaven, Christ is risen from the dead.

A name of pride is your name, O Son of God the Lover of man, we believe without doubt, Christ is risen from the dead.

One from the Trinity, the Eternal Word, the Son of the True God, Christ is risen from the dead.

Our mouths are filled with joy, and immeasurable happiness, for the Physician of the sick, Christ is risen from the dead.

Hear me O my beloved, who have received the testament, for the Resurrection of the Son of God, Christ is risen from the dead.

We believe without doubt, of this mysterious matter, that the only-begotten Son, Christ is risen from the dead.

Behold all the prophets, prophesied also, for the King of all kings, Christ is risen from the dead.

God of the prophets, and the righteous and the just, He is the Master, Christ is risen from the dead.

Holy O Lord and Holy, Holy now and unto ages, You are the Son of the Holy, Christ is risen from the dead.

The saviour of the whole world, our True God, we believe with all our hearts, Christ is risen from the dead.

O Who was before the ages, the Creator of all ages, we praise You forever, Christ is risen from the dead.

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Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
01 Oct 2020
Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
copticcast · 4 Views