copticcast 01 Oct 2020

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Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
01 Oct 2020
Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
copticcast · 4 Views

Coptic Christians celebrate mass for Orthodox Easter

In Other

1. Various of exterior of Abaseya church
2. Pope Shenouda III entering the church
3. Cutaway of priests
4. Pan from Pope Shenouda III entering church to faithful
5. Mid of Pope Shenouda III leading service
6. Cutaway of officials attending service
7. Close up of Pope Shenouda III leading service
8. Cutaway of choir
9. Pan of ceremony
10. Cutaway of priests
11. Mid of Shenouda III wafting incense
12. Cutaway of officials attending service
13. Zoom out from Shenouda III blessing faithful
14. Close up of golden cross
15. Mid of Shenouda III
16. Cutaway of priests wafting incense
17. Cutaway of choir singing
18. Various of Shenouda III leading service
19. Cutaway of choir
20. Wide of the scene
Thousands of Egyptian Copts celebrated Easter on Saturday with processions and an overnight vigil, the traditional rituals commemorating Christ''s crucifixion and burial.
Coptic Pope Shenouda III led the Easter service in Abaseya Church in Cairo.
Christian Orthodox churches use a different calendar from Roman Catholics and Protestants, who celebrated Easter last weekend.
Orthodox Easter this year is celebrated under the shadow of recent tensions due to attacks on churches in the Egyptian coastal city of Alexandria, which left one Copt dead.
The attacks have revived worries about sectarian strife.
On Sunday, the Coptic Orthodox Church, celebrates the Feast of the Resurrection, the most important of Coptic feasts.
In 1973, Pope Shenouda III became the first Coptic Pope to meet the Catholic Pope in over 15-hundred years.

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Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
01 Oct 2020
Coptic Orthodox Answers (Q&A) E13: What makes Baptism so essential for my salvation?
copticcast · 4 Views