copticcast 01 Oct 2020

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To Be A Christian (English Sermon) - HG Bishop Kyrillos
01 Oct 2020
To Be A Christian (English Sermon) - HG Bishop Kyrillos
copticcast · 6 Views

Attack on Coptic Christian wedding kills three in Egypt

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In Egypt three people have been killed and many injured when gunmen opened fire as wedding guests...

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In Egypt three people have been killed and many injured when gunmen opened fire as wedding guests left a Coptic Church in Cairo on Sunday. Among the casualties was an eight-year-old girl.

According to eyewitnesses the assailants fired at random as they sped past on a motorcycle.

Ibrahim Ramzi who was at the scene described the chaos.

"We came running, hysterical, and when I arrived I found a woman seated in a chair, she had many bullet wounds and blood coming out of everywhere. It was a horrible sight. Many other people had fallen around her, among them a child who had been shot in their leg and shoulder.

So far there has been no claim of responsibility. Egypt's Christians have often been the target of attacks since the army-backed government cleared Islamist camps supporting deposed President Mohammed Morsi on August 14.

"What happened is an insult to Egypt, and it's not directed only at the Coptic Christians. We are destroying our own country. Just imagine what people outside of Egypt will think when they hear that something like this has happened. We are an internationally known church," explained Father Kumus Dawood Ibrahim, Pastor of the Church of the Virgin Mary.

The attack is the first to target Coptic Christians in Cairo since the army deposed President Morsi following a popular uprising in July. Some Islamists believe that the church supported his overthrow.

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To Be A Christian (English Sermon) - HG Bishop Kyrillos
01 Oct 2020
To Be A Christian (English Sermon) - HG Bishop Kyrillos
copticcast · 6 Views