copticcast 20 Dec 2019

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Arabic Sermon - H.G. Bishop Raphael
01 Oct 2020
Arabic Sermon - H.G. Bishop Raphael
copticcast · 22 Views

Stories about Pope Shenouda III by Bishop Angaelos - Just a Minute.


Lessons on how to advice people from taking care of the plants of the monastery!
This is one of the lessons and memories HG Bishoy Angaelos he learned from Pope Shenouda, where he was him in the Monastery.


How did HG Bishop Angaelos learn things from His Holiness?

Watch this video and learn from Pope Shenouda. May his prayer be with us.

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Arabic Sermon - H.G. Bishop Raphael
01 Oct 2020
Arabic Sermon - H.G. Bishop Raphael
copticcast · 22 Views