copticcast 20 Dec 2019

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Arabic Sermon - H.G. Bishop Raphael
01 Oct 2020
Arabic Sermon - H.G. Bishop Raphael
copticcast · 22 Views

Sermon by the late Pope shenouda III Jonah 1990


Escaping from God is an ancient story that is depicted in Adam and Eve; not only them, but there were many others, like Jonah; why did he think of that! But, what about you?! What do you think when you try to escape from God? Does that really help? Let's go deeper into this amazing issue by watching the sermon of the Late Pope Shenouda III on CYC. Have a blessed Nineveh's fasting!

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Arabic Sermon - H.G. Bishop Raphael
01 Oct 2020
Arabic Sermon - H.G. Bishop Raphael
copticcast · 22 Views