copticcast 10 Jan 2020

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The Guardians of Purity: Pope Tawadros weekly sermon - 17 September 2020
01 Oct 2020
The Guardians of Purity: Pope Tawadros weekly sermon - 17 September 2020
copticcast · 0 Views

#PapaFrancesco in Egitto: il discorso durante l'incontro con Tawadros II


#PapaFrancesco in Egitto: il discorso durante l'incontro con Tawadros II al Patriarcato copto-Ortodosso

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The Guardians of Purity: Pope Tawadros weekly sermon - 17 September 2020
01 Oct 2020
The Guardians of Purity: Pope Tawadros weekly sermon - 17 September 2020
copticcast · 0 Views