copticcast 10 Jan 2020

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Anba Rofael at Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church May 2014
01 Oct 2020
Anba Rofael at Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church May 2014
copticcast · 3 Views

Ordination for new bishops in Egypt by H.H. Pope Tawadros II - May 2014


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God Amen

May His grace and blessing come upon us from now and forever, Amen

With the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, with the intercession of our mother the Virgin Mary and St. Mark the apostle and the martyr, with the blessing of the Lord Christ' coming to Egypt' land, and with the blessing of the Holy fifty, the church ordains some fathers of the monks and bishops' assistants as bishops.

The church used to ordain bishops within this week that ends with the Pentecost' feast, remembering the time of the coming of the Holy Spirit and remembering the Lord Christ Who called His disciples, saying to them: "you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

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Anba Rofael at Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church May 2014
01 Oct 2020
Anba Rofael at Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church May 2014
copticcast · 3 Views