copticcast 29 Feb 2020

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Fr. Michael Ibrahim Sunday Meeting Sermon at St. Maurice Coptic Orthodox Church, Pomona CA
01 Oct 2020
Fr. Michael Ibrahim Sunday Meeting Sermon at St. Maurice Coptic Orthodox Church, Pomona CA
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Matins Psalm-Ascension Ibrahim Ayad-مزمور باكر- الصعود- bekhit


المعلم ابراهيم عياد

Psalm 68:18-19

You have ascended on high, You have led captivity captive; You have received gifts among men, even from the rebellious, that the LORD God might dwell there.

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation!
مزامير 68 : 18-19

صعد إلي العلاء وسبي سبياً. واعطي كرامات للناس. مبارك الرب الإله

مبارك الرب يوماً فيوماً.

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Fr. Michael Ibrahim Sunday Meeting Sermon at St. Maurice Coptic Orthodox Church, Pomona CA
01 Oct 2020
Fr. Michael Ibrahim Sunday Meeting Sermon at St. Maurice Coptic Orthodox Church, Pomona CA
copticcast · 0 Views