copticcast 29 Dec 2019

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Abouna Daoud Lamei Second  Sermon At St Mina And St Marina's Church Hallam 25/04/18
01 Oct 2020
Abouna Daoud Lamei Second Sermon At St Mina And St Marina's Church Hallam 25/04/18
copticcast · 28 Views

Fr.Daoud Lamey - Camel and the eye of a needle


أن يدخل الجمل في ثقب الإبرة أيسر من أن يدخل الغني ملكوت الله

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Abouna Daoud Lamei Second  Sermon At St Mina And St Marina's Church Hallam 25/04/18
01 Oct 2020
Abouna Daoud Lamei Second Sermon At St Mina And St Marina's Church Hallam 25/04/18
copticcast · 28 Views