copticcast 01 Oct 2020

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DireTube News Ethiopia’s projects won’t harm anyone: Egypt’s Pope Tawadros II
10 Jan 2020
DireTube News Ethiopia’s projects won’t harm anyone: Egypt’s Pope Tawadros II
copticcast · 0 Views

Blood of St. Januarius liquefies in Naples | SW NEWS | 155

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It’s been announced that the blood of the 4th century martyr Saint Januarius liquified in the city of Naples upon his feast day on Saturday. The liquefaction is considered to be a good sign for the southern Italian city and the surrounding region of Campania. In contrast, failure of the blood to liquefy is believed to signal war, famine, disease, or other disasters.
New report claims human trafficking of Egyptian Christian women is on the rise
Approximately 500 Christian women in Egypt have been victims of human trafficking in the past two decades. That’s according to a new study published by Coptic Solidarity, an Egyptian minority rights group which campaigns on behalf of the country’s Coptic Christian community. Entitled “Jihad in the Womb,” the new report claims that human trafficking involving Coptic Christian women and girls is escalating, including kidnappings, forced conversions, and other human rights abuses. They also claim that the issue is being trivialized by both the Egyptian police and government who Coptic Solidarity allege are accomplices in the trafficking chain.
Pope Francis: Christian journalists should never hide the truth
A Christian working in the field of journalism is required to offer a professional and personal witness to the world of communications by never hiding the truth, nor manipulating information. That was the message of Pope Francis to the editorial board of the Belgian Catholic magazine, “Tertio” on Friday. They were meeting with the Holy Father to mark the publications’ 20th anniversary. He told them quality journalism, “allows us to better understand the problems and challenges that the world is called to face, and inspires individual, family and social behaviors.” This can be achieved, he suggested, by seeking a positive view of people and facts; rejecting prejudices; and fostering a culture of encounter through which it is possible to know reality with a confident outlook.
Pope Francis: “Each one of us is beautiful in God’s eye”
A group of autistic children from Austria had an audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Monday. The Holy Father met with families from the Ambulatorium Sonnenschein, an autism center based in the Austrian city of San Polten. It was established in 1995 to help children with developmental disorders. The Pope said that “Sonnenschein” – which means Sunshine in English – is an apt name for the house, because it looks like a magnificent blooming meadow in the sunshine and that the children are the flowers of the house.
Holy Bible now available in African language of Pazande
For the first time in history, the Bible has been translated into the African language of Pazande. That’s the local language spoken by over four million people in South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic. The new translation was unveiled by the Diocese of Tombura-Yambio in South Sudan on September the 14th.
The Most Reverend Martin Hayes installed as bishop of Kilmore
The Diocese of Kilmore in Ireland has a new bishop. He’s the Most Reverend Martin Hayes and he was ordained to the episcopate on Sunday at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick & Saint Felim in the town of Cavan. He was ordained by Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh, the Primate of all Ireland. He was the principal consecrator. The two co-consecrators were Archbishop Jude Thaddeus Okolo, Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland and Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly of Cashal and Emly. In his homily, Archbishop Martin encouraged the newly ordained bishop to be unafraid in speaking up strongly for the dignity of the human person and for the protection of all human life especially, he said, against public policies that fundamentally contradict the moral law such as abortion and euthanasia.
Singapore archbishop ordains four deacons to the priesthood
Ordination to the sacred priesthood is an invitation to share in the self-emptying of Jesus on the cross, so that the priest can find his true joy in a selfless and humble service that often unrecognized or unappreciated. So said Archbishop William Goh of the Archdiocese of Singapore following the ordination of four men to the sacred priesthood on September the 14th.

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DireTube News Ethiopia’s projects won’t harm anyone: Egypt’s Pope Tawadros II
10 Jan 2020
DireTube News Ethiopia’s projects won’t harm anyone: Egypt’s Pope Tawadros II
copticcast · 0 Views